My path to healthier skinMy path to healthier skin

I have been suffering from psoriasis for years. All over my body, including my face. It makes me itch a lot; during flare-ups I used to scratch my skin almost down to the bone. Every day was an ordeal: painful sores all over my body, daily skin care treatments and disgusted looks from people. It is difficult for a person with a face and body like that to integrate into society and live a full life.

Now imagine that it’s all over. I won and I’m healthy now, and I want to share with you how I managed to get rid of psoriasis.

My path to healthier skin

In general, I feel lucky with my appearance and figure. I am tall, slim and have long legs. Any clothes would look great on me. But my skin doesn’t allow it. During the period of aggravation (which is 6-7 months a year!) I could only wear closed clothes made of natural fabrics. Yes, there are brave girls with psoriasis who don’t hesitate to wear shorts and tops, but I’m not like that.

For me it’s easier to wear closed clothes than to draw people’s attention and have to prove to everyone else that it’s not contagious….

The process of psoriasis development is uncontrollable! The aggravation can be caused by:


cold and dry weather

skin lesions

the medicines


alcohol and tobacco


Even a year ago, I was doing treatments every day that reduced the pain a little, but did not stop the pain.

I tried not to leave home.
I studied and worked remotely.
But I am an active and quite interesting person. I have many friends on the Internet and I communicate with them quite a lot.

My path to healthier skin

However, there was one thing he didn’t have: love.

I longed so much to have a family and a baby. And a wedding dress like a princess! But that only happened in my dreams. Every day, looking in the mirror, I realized that regardless of my character and figure, my scars and plaques would disgust a normal man.

My path to healthier skin

My psychologist worked with me for a long time, and one day he managed to convince me that I was beautiful. So I registered on a dating site. I uploaded a photo of myself in remission. Yes, I had scars from plaques on my face, but in general the makeup and good lighting did their job: guys started writing to me. And among them I singled out one with whom it was very easy for me to communicate. I did not hide from him that I had psoriasis. He told me that it did not bother him because he felt very comfortable with me. After three months of communication, he managed to convince me to meet up.

I was driving to the appointment and I was nervous. I had never been on a date before, and I couldn’t get out of my head what he would think when he saw my face and hands. But everything went well. We had a great time and he walked me home.

And the next morning, he blocked me!

I cried inconsolably, realizing that my appearance was my curse.

Why? Why do millions of people live full lives with psoriasis – dating, raising families, having healthy babies? Somehow, they achieve long-term remission, and why can’t I?

For two months I read medical journals and looked for something I hadn’t tried before. But, just so you understand, there is no such remedy, and all the new products are another hormone therapy, and I am terribly allergic to them.

When you have psoriasis, your skin becomes dry and rough. Don’t believe them when they tell you to soften it. Nourishing and moisturizing creams, especially those with colorants, are the first enemy of psoriasis skin. And don’t forget that frequent hand washing and showering further weakens the protective layer, causing the plaques to spread even more.

She develops an addiction and does not treat the cause of the condition. Corticosteroids help to soften the papules and redness, but the protective layer is lost, which can lead to skin cancer.

We’ve all heard that when you have psoriasis, you have to cut out almost all tasty foods. There’s a fine line between “this will help me” and “this will make my flare-ups worse.” There are so many individual subtleties and diets. And the worst thing is that dieting is psychologically difficult. It’s unnecessary stress, which makes psoriasis even worse.
Just limit stimulating foods a little.

Among the tons of information, I happened to see a comment in which a girl was praising Yenki Derm, a natural cream for psoriasis that helped her go into permanent remission. I thought it was just another advertisement because that’s not REAL. But I got curious and started looking into this remedy.

It is made with natural ingredients known since ancient times. It is the power of nature that helps relieve itching, reduce inflammation, remove dead skin and activate immune defenses that help stop psoriasis.

It was a shock for me that this product was recognized as one of the best solutions for psoriasis, and I had not heard of it until now. Fortunately, it was not difficult to order the cream. I did it directly on the official website and three days later the courier brought me the order.

According to the manufacturers, Yenki Derm not only moisturizes and heals the skin, but also promotes faster reabsorption of psoriatic plaques and prevents the appearance of scars in their place.

I had just had another flare-up and my skin was burning, and this cream calmed it down in a minute! It was a shock. All my life I had been afraid to wear inappropriate clothing, sit on a chair and lie down in bed because of the blisters. And when the cream started to work so quickly, I cried with happiness. I had found a remedy that quickly relieved the itching. And then there was more. The old patches started to clear up and disappeared. It was like a gift from the fairy godmother!

Since I was born, my skin has no barrier function and needs constant protection. And this product replaced the long ritual I used to do every day to soothe my skin.

I don’t know how the scientists managed to do it, but I am very grateful to them for it. Now I look in the mirror and I can’t believe that my body has changed so much in a month.

I took two courses in one year, one of which was a prophylactic. I was afraid that the disease would return, but it didn’t. Now I am in long-term remission and I am confident in myself.

My life is completely different now, and I remember with horror the time when I was embarrassed to go out. I have a boyfriend, and he is a dream: he is about two metres tall, has huge muscles and blue eyes that melt me. He is also intelligent and loving. Three months after I met him we started living together, and three months and a week later we got married. I am happier than ever, as I am expecting a baby. My husband says he would love me even with all my ailments, but I realise that without the effect of Yenki Derm I would not dare to meet a guy again.

I don’t think about psoriasis anymore. I’m sure that the disease won’t come back. And if it does come back for some reason, I’ll use Yenki Derm again . And the good thing is that it can be ordered from an online store. If anyone recognizes themselves in my story, I’ll post a link to the site where you can order it.

Order Yenki Derm against psoriasis >>>

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By papulbd

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